Model#: RN-C3625

Cherry Le Classique With 1-1/2" Thick Edge Grain Top
55 lb

Welcome an elegant chic look into your home with the Le Classique cherry edge grain table. Use as a kitchen island, sofa table or in any room of the house. This fashionable table has a varnique semi-gloss finish that protects against water stains and household chemicals, as well as being maintenance-free. Stunning black painted legs are the perfect contrast with the dark cherry wood top. Up to seven different lengths offered with your choice of one, two or no shelves. Le Classique cherry table is ideal for a quick and budget-friendly addition for those who prefer a deep, rich appearance.
- Thickness: 1-½"
- American Cherry
- Edge Grain Construction
- Choice of 0, 1 or 2 Black Slatted Shelves
- Varnique Finish
- Made In USA